Beekeeping is an enjoyable, relaxing and accessible activity that has recently undergone resurgence. Learn what is involved in keeping your own hive of bees during this informative session.
This short yet informative session will provide participants with the information necessary to decide if beekeeping is an activity that they would like to take up.
The taster will not include practical work involving live bees or opening a hive for an inspection. It is perfect for community groups as well as individuals who would just like to know a little more about bees and beekeeping.
The session will cover the following:
Why keep bees?
Who keeps bees?
The life cycle of bees
Parts of the hive
Locating the hive
Inspecting the hive
Harvesting honey
Children and bees
Animals and bees
Where do I get bees from?
Pests & diseases
The rules
$20 Per person
EMAIL BEEANDBERRY@GMAIL.COM to organise a booking